Week 7: Rapid Prototyping

OCT. 10th 2018--Small Scale Bogie System

Task Items:
-Continue developing concepts
-Obtain dimensions of components 

This weeks class consisted of a quick meeting which eventually lead to everyone dispersing to their respective groups. While in groups I talked with the small-scale track team to overcome an issue with the track at the three-way junction. At the junction there was a large gap the bogie would surely fall through so it was decided to stagger the turns so one is behind the other. 

Additionally, I spent time reading an article consisting of all the major modules for a bogie along with the different configurations. The article can be found below. The article helped map out possible concepts that I can build up on and replicate a more feasible design. To create functional parts, I will need to find the dimensions of all the components going on the bogie and create CAD model. After the models are created then I can build up the bogie.

Article: http://www.ejrcf.or.jp/jrtr/jrtr18/pdf/f52_technology.pdf


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